Specialist fields

Let's suppose you received a cease and desist letter. Would you retain a lawyer dealing predominantly with family law to settle this dispute?

Just as no lawyer deals with every field of law and no physician is a consultant on every medical field no translator is familiar with every specialist field. However, apart from excellent linguistic skills in the working languages, specialist knowledge is indispensable when it comes to producing an adequate translation of a given text. That is why translators and interpreters focus on a few individually selected specialist fields, either right from translator's or interpreter's school, or during their first few years as a professional.

I hold a degree in business law and based upon my studies and hands-on experience, I have specialized in the following fields:

Of course, your texts on general subjects are in safe hands with me as well!

I read texts dealing with other subjects thoroughly before deciding whether I am capable of translating them to both your and my satisfaction. I do not translate texts on engineering and medicine and would like to recommend that you contact a colleague specializing in the relevant field.

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Language Combinations

German > English
English > German

Publications (in German)

Behrendt, Bettina/Keller, Diane (2012): 'Englisch als Gerichtssprache', NJW 4/2012, 14. – (opinion on behalf of the legal translators' mailing list 'Juristische Übersetzer' on a bill to introduce English as an official language in German courts)

Behrendt, Bettina (2011): 'Ermächtigte Übersetzer und allgemein beeidigte Dolmetscher müssen Rechtssprachkenntnisse nachweisen', KammerReport Hamm 5/2011, S. 21f.