Bettina Behrendt
Your translator for texts on law, business, and politics
Qualified translator of German/English, certified by the Chamber of Commerce Düsseldorf in 2006
Translator for the English language authorised by the president of the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf since 2008
LL.M. degree in business law at Fern-Hochschule Hamburg, 2023. Subject of the master thesis: "Einsatz maschineller Übersetzungen bei Unternehmern: Haftung für Mangelfolgeschäden aus Übersetzungsfehlern" (When entrepreneurs use machine translation: Liability for consequential damage(s) resulting from translation errors)
Full participation as an auditor in Anglo-American law for law students at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf 2009-2010
Magister Artium degree in International Information Management with the minor subjects Political Science and Law at the University of Hildesheim, 2002
Hands-on experience in business (export and assistance activities) and in the translation industry both in Germany and abroad
Intercultural experience and background knowledge of different cultures after a series of long-term stays in European countries and in the United States, such as:
- Translations in a translation agency in Southern England, 2005
- Semester at the Université de Mons-Hainaut, Belgium, focus: translation, 2000
- Semester at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark; focus: International management, 1998-1999
Continuing education and conferences attended
- September 2022: 73. Deutscher Juristentag: "Entscheidungen digitaler autonomer Systeme: Empfehlen sich Regelungen zu Verantwortung und Haftung?" ("Decisions of digital autonomous systems: Would it be recommendable to introduce regulation governing responsibility and liability?")
- October 2019: Information event "Brexit is coming – What now?", Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- September 2019: Compliance day hosted by a law firm, Düsseldorf
- October 2018: BDÜ seminar "Englisches Strafrecht" (English criminal law), London
- February 2018: ATICOM seminar "Post Editing", Cologne
- October 2017: BDÜ conference „Sprache und Recht“ (Language and law), Hanover
- June 2016: seminar „Arbeitsrecht im 21. Jahrhundert“ (German employment law in the 21st century), Düsseldorf
- June 2016: seminar „Aktuelles im Erbrecht“ (Recent developments in German and EU inheritance law), Düsseldorf
- June 2015: ATICOM seminar "English Law for Legal Interpreters and Translators", Düsseldorf
- November 2014: Business forum USA „Rechtlichte Fallstricke vermeiden, den richtigen Standort finden, erfolgreich verkaufen“ ("How to avoid legal pitfalls, find the right location and to sell successfully"), Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- November 2013: ATICOM seminar "Criminal law terminology", Düsseldorf
- August 2013: ATICOM seminar "English Law", Düsseldorf
- July 2013: Workshops on collective bargaining in the US during the DAJV Annual Conference, Freiburg
- March 2013: BDÜ seminar (advanced) „Englisches Zivilrecht“ (English civil law), London
- November 2012: seminar on German insolvency law, Düsseldorf
- October 2012: seminar „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Arbeitsrecht“ (Current developments in German employment law), Düsseldorf
- April 2012: ATICOM seminar „Amerikanische Rechtssprache“ (American legal language), Düsseldorf
- October 2011: BDÜ seminar „Englisches Zivilrecht“ (English civil law), London
- March 2011: BDÜ conference „Gerichtsdolmetschertag“ (Conference for court interpreters and translators), Hanover
- February 2010: ATICOM revision course „Zivil- und Strafrecht“ (civil and criminal law), Düsseldorf
- October 2009: BDÜ seminar „Übersetzen von Urkunden“ (Translation of deeds and certificates), Cologne
- April 2009: ATICOM seminar „Rechtsenglisch“ (Legal English), Cologne
- May 2007: BDÜ seminar „Vertragsübersetzen“ (Contract translation), Hanover
- Various seminars on enterpreneurial issues for the self-employed
Member of the following association of professional translators and interpreters