Your contact for quality translations.

Do you need a translation or would you like to meet me in person? I will be happy to provide you with an estimate or to arrange a meeting with you.

Bettina Behrendt
Schimmelpfennigstraße 12
40597 Düsseldorf

phone: +49 211 220 67 89
fax: +49 211 220 67 97


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Language Combinations

German > English
English > German

Publications (in German)

Behrendt, Bettina/Keller, Diane (2012): 'Englisch als Gerichtssprache', NJW 4/2012, 14. – (opinion on behalf of the legal translators' mailing list 'Juristische Übersetzer' on a bill to introduce English as an official language in German courts)

Behrendt, Bettina (2011): 'Ermächtigte Übersetzer und allgemein beeidigte Dolmetscher müssen Rechtssprachkenntnisse nachweisen', KammerReport Hamm 5/2011, S. 21f.